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I have not posted in several days. I have not had the best access to the internet. Rest assured, I will be back to posting on a more regular basis after the holidays.
I hope that all have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Kwanza whatever holiday that you celebrate at this time of the year and a great 2009.
Now, to elaborate a little about everyone feeling afraid to say "Merry Christmas" and feeling like they have to say Happy Holiday. There is nothing wrong with saying "Happy Holiday" and I say that alot myself. It is not because I am afraid of offending someone. I celebrate Christmas because it is the birth of Jesus Christ who is the son of God and the Savior that was sent into this world to live as a human being knowing the sin of this world but remaining sinless and ultimately paying the price of death on the cross. Thus, paving the way for all to have a hope for a home in heaven for eternity.